Pop the numbers!

Today, I was looking around for something to do with the kids and we are working on learning what numbers look like right now with big bee...I ran across a baggie of old balloons...one thing lead to another and here ya have it!

Get a sharpie and some balloons (small works great)

Write the numbers 1-10 on them (or for older kids seperate even and odds)


I got a piece of scrap paper and wrote all the numbers on it and then picked 
one out at a time and "called it", big bee would find that balloon

My initial thought was to have him POP it...but that is harder than I thought!  

**Now, I knew Blake could handle big scissors and I was watching him the whole time** so use scissors if you wish (or trust your kids) or they could just capture that # and put it in a laundry basket, etc.

He LOVED making them pop!

While we were rolling around the floor hunting for the right number, static was created and turned into this FUN game!

even little bee liked playing!

and..of course when the balloons were attacking little bee, big bee found it hilarious!

concentrating really hard to make a static one!

it worked!